CLO experience as both manager and investor.

King Street has extensive experience investing in CLOs, having traded over $9 billion gross notional in CLO debt and equity tranches across both US and European CLOs since 2008.

King Street’s CLO and CBO platform, Rockford Tower Capital Management, launched in 2017 and has over $10 billion of assets under management as of 6/30/2024 across 17 U.S. CLOs and six European CLOs (eight of which incorporate ESG-related screens intended to exclude debt in certain sections), and one CBO transaction. In addition, we have traded over $85 billion of loans as of 12/31/2023.

Rockford Tower shares King Street’s investment philosophy, which is focused on capital preservation and downside protection. The additional analysis of leveraged issuers and sector insights provide benefits and synergies across King Street's other product offerings.

We believe that Rockford Tower continues to be well-positioned from a CLO and CBO management perspective given the depth and breadth of our credit and research analysts with significant credit underwriting and investing expertise, including workout and restructuring.

In addition, we believe Rockford Tower benefits from the global scale and infrastructure of the broader organization, including our centrally managed investment team, technology, operations, compliance, tax, and legal teams.

Rockford Tower has been recognized by Creditflux for our performance. Rockford Tower was nominated as a finalist for “Best U.S. CLO Manager” at the 2021 Creditflux CLO Manager Awards for our performance in 2020. At the 2020 Creditflux CLO Manager Awards, Rockford Tower was recognized as the “Best U.S. CLO Manager” and “Manager of the Year” for our performance in 2019.

Quick facts

  • $10B+

    Assets under management (as of 6/30/2024)

  • 24

    CLOs and CBOs issued since inception

  • $85B+

    Aggregate volume of loan trading (as of 12/31/2023)

*Award selection criteria are available on Creditflux’s website. To be considered, deals or managers must be submitted to Creditflux. Best CLO manager categories are calculated using the average final ranks of all a managers’ CLOs of that CLO type. CLOs are judged purely on performance metrics available in the trustee reports. No compensation was paid directly or indirectly by King Street in connection with being nominated or for obtaining the award.

*There is no guarantee King Street will be able to source profitable investments or that any downside protection will be effective. King Street’s investment strategies are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, as further described in Item 8 of the King Street Capital Management, L.P. Form ADV Part 2 Brochure.